
Thanks to regular updates, this traditional software is constantly expanding its capabilities. In addition to the extensive colorist recipe database, which currently comprises over 250,000 recipes for Nexa Autocolor painting systems, 140,000 recipes for Max Meyer painting systems and 590,000 recipes for Selemix industrial painting systems, it forms a virtual link between the various colorist tools. It has a range of technical data for each product. Of course, it can be linked to an electronic balance and spectrophotometer. A number of extension modules are an integral part of the software, which take the software to a much higher level than a simple colorist tool. These modules include stock management, order management, customer database, price calculator and many more.

Stránka-PaintManager-1024x550 Autofit s.r.o. - PaintManager

Manual for instalation – please dowload PDF

Auto Fit, spol. s r.o.

Brno: Vídeňská 296/112a, 619 00 Brno

Praha: Komerční 467, 251 01 Nupaky u Prahy

Phone: +420 608 602 080

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